Monday, July 16, 2012

busy bee

What a busy week! Back in Maine, getting settled back into the school routine. Managing to keep on top of my running which I'm happy about.

Just completed week 5 of my training which included:
M - off
T - 3k
W - 4k
T - off
F - 3k and I did kickboxing at the UMaine Rec Center! (Beautiful new gym, check out their facilities!)
S - 6k
S - walk 30 mins

I actually ended up doing the 6k today (time 39:39, pace 10:35, 3 - 1 minute walking breaks). I ended up waking up too late on the weekend and so by the time I got up it was WAY too hot! Today was beautiful though. It was a tough run which I attribute to me not sticking to my schedule. So I want to make a point of trying to stay on track.

Some photos from my run today:

Two photos while I'm crossing a bridge.
View of the bridge from another part of my run.

The route I've been doing lately has allowed me to check out my current neighbourhood a little bit which is nice. I go over that bridge twice (there and back), which allows for gorgeous views and a nice breeze. Today I ran through the University of Maine campus which has great tree cover. My only complaint is that in a lot of areas the sidewalks are TERRIBLE but there is usually a wide shoulder, so I run there instead.

My running schedule (week 6) for this week is:

M - off (but I ran the 6k)
T - 3k
W - 5k
T - off
F - 4k
S - 7k
S - walk 30 mins

I am trying to increase my strength, and so I am trying to incorporate more strength workouts in my routine. I find this difficult to do on my own, as usually by the time I get home from a run (even just 3k!) I am WIPED out. I think the heat has a lot to do with it. This is why I attended kickboxing last week. 
I want to do kettlebell on Wednesday, but I'm not sure if I'm up for a 5k AND kettlebell. Looking for some opinions here... should I keep my current schedule and try to do a 5k and kettlebell? I could also switch my T/W run and do 5k tomorrow and 3K & kettlebell Wednesday, but then I would be doing a 6k and a 5k back to back. Let me know if you have any insight! Thanks

The beautiful UMaine Rec Center lit up at night!


  1. WOW!! Love reading your insights....reflects such a strong committment to your continued focus on fitness! Great motivator jeannie! :-D

    I am thinking you should continue your running schedule when you can-given heat hot humid conditions-and leave kettleball til later..maybe try 8minute arms on youtube-shows results and very do-able-even for the less than committed like me lol
    love the bridge views -I should get Dad to post a bridge view pic from his run too!

  2. You're training for a race right? In that case I think you should stick with your current plan and goal, and then start to incorporate strength training once the race is complete...strength training is definitely important though!

  3. I am training for a race which is about 8 weeks away. Then I will be doing another race about a month after that. I did end up doing kettlebell today. My plan was to do kettlebell followed by a 3k run but I was way too tired. Thinking that I will try to incorporate some strength training into my workouts but not as intense as a kettlebell class! Just because I think going for 12 weeks without any strength training is too long. :)
